The Grackle
Quoth the birder to the Grackle "Nevermore."
Once upon a morning sunshine, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious ways to feed my song birds —
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came bird droppings,
As of some one gently dripping from above, digested worms and bugs.
"'Tis some visiter," I muttered, "chasing off my song birds —
Only this and nothing more."
Quoth the birder to the Grackle "Nevermore." (1)
Common Grackles |
We left much of our yard wares behind when we moved to
Fort Collins, including our prized squirrel-proof bird feeder pole fitted with a raccoon baffle to keep the
Eastern Gray Squirrels at bay. A week ago we installed a new pole in our Colorado backyard, fitted with a smaller squirrel baffle (the one that didn't work in Maryland), assured by the local
Wild Birds Unlimited shop that the
Red Squirrels here are not as nimble as their eastern cousins and should not be a problem.
Squirrel/Grackle-proof bird feeder |
What we found out fairly quickly was that
Common Grackle are the
Great Plains pest when it comes to unprotected bird feeders - not only do they still overcome the squirrel-proof mechanism of our
Squirrel Buster birder feeder. So today, we headed off to the bird store and invested in a new feeder with a fitted squirrel-proof cage, not to thwart local squirrels who haven't paid any attention to our feeder, but to save the seed and feeding positions for the song birds who have been spooked by their larger black-feathered companions.
American Robin droppings |
The only other notable observation as we begin our birding efforts in Colorado, is when you have a tree over your patio, it is necessary to cover furniture, tables, and yourself when enjoying the outdoors between thunder storms.
American Robins do a wonderful job of singing high in the tree, and must be reading the newspaper while waiting for nature to run its course. Table or patio umbrellas are fine for protection, but it is important not to delay setting them up when taking in the morning sunshine.
(1) Adopted from Edgar Allan Poe's,
The Raven.