Sunday, January 9, 2011

What A Way To Spend Halloween

NOTE:  This post was meant to show up back on October 25, 2010. Blogger did something with their software that earlier posts that are not published when composed, now post on the current day.

When I saw this on the Comcast Website before shutting down the laptop for the night, it seemed like a good distraction. But it didn't really give me any comfort - it was just something to do to waste some time before bed. It has been a hectic travel schedule the past eight weeks: Hawaii and back, California and back; Beijing and Inner Mongolia and back; Fort Collins, Colorado and back; Atlanta, Georgia and back; and Argentina and Uruguay and back (with a six hour delayed flight). (1) It was a good thing my boss said, "No more travel." There were then a number of presentations given locally during that time and after - "No more talk, either." Then finally came the Christmas and New Year Holidays respite - still too much work on the laptop to do.

The days are getting shorter - the nights longer.
I am coming down - with a cold.
Feeling sad about dropping the ball - with friends.
I am tired and need to go to bed - it's time for bed.
The house alarm is set - good night.
(1) I got some sort of voucher from United Airlines - maybe they will send me a free ticket, or at least a couple of hundred dollar voucher off of the purchase of another ticket, or a free trip to the Red Carpet Club, or a free meal, or....

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