Friday, October 26, 2012

Walt Whitman - No Baseball Tonight

No baseball tonight - it's the travel day from SF to Detroit. The West Coast games get over between 11:30 and midnight - that's too late when having to get up at 5:45 AM. But the games have been great - Sandoval record-tying home runs in Game 1, and Small-ball last night for Game 2. Reading the news accounts on-line; hearing some of the NPR Morning Edition short report this morning before getting out of my car before an appointment, and then listening to the whole thing this evening on my computer. I think I will read some my new book of Walt Whitman poems - he liked baseball: "it's our game: that's the chief fact in connection with it: America's game."

True Conquerors

Old farmers, travelers, workmen (no matter how crippled or bent,)
Old sailors, out of many a perilous voyage, storm and wreck,
Old soldiers from campaigns, with all their wounds, defeats and scars;
Enough that they've survived at all - long life's unflinching ones!
Forth from their struggles, trials, fights, to have emerged at all - in that alone,
True conquerors o-er all the rest.


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