Saturday, March 2, 2013

Australian Television

Australian Broadcast Corporation Studio
During a recent work trip to Australia, I ended up being interviewed for a few television and radio broadcasts. There is a lot of interest in the potential for biofuels for the airline industry, and the sponsors of my trip saw to it that there was press coverage of all the related activities around the Australian International Air Show. The United States Studies Center at the University of Sydney made all of my arrangements, and saw to it I arrived at the right times, or was ready to receive calls when scheduled.

United States Studies Centre Website
For all of the effort arranging an interview at the Australian Broadcast Corporation's Plant America, the timing was such that my interview did not show up when intended - such it is. It was fund going through the exercise and was good practice for the two radio and one more television interviews. The second TV interview was at the air show, and ended up being a business news report. I heard that my grand kids picked up my voice right away when my son showed them Grandpa on TV. The report can be view by clicking here. The United States Study Centre has been compiling the reports from the different interviews (click here).

ABC interview setting
It was impressive how prepared the reporter was - she rattled through a series of questions for the five of us that were interviewed. Each person was queued in a different place so the background varied for each of us. No make up here - plein air style - unlike back at the ABC Studios the week before. For all the tape time recorded, it is amazing how such edited short sound bites end up telling a pretty good story of what all of this is about. Same as the link above, the view of the interview is found here, and other information is posted about the activities at the United States Study Centre. The radio interviews were done over the phone - like a conversation across the table, just without eye contact. You can listen in on the interviews with Radio 2GB Sunday Business and ABC Radio National Breakfast

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