Saturday, March 1, 2014

Alien Livestock Circles and High Elevation Pyramids

Odd formations in the sky. Snow-encrusted pyramids. Livestock circles where crop circles should be. What can this all mean? It should be noted, never before has photographic evidence been shown that demonstrates the possibility that extraterrestrials have, could, still do, or will occupy portions of the high elevation valleys in Rocky Mountains during the winter - a long time after the gold rush. The South Park Basin will never be the same - past, now, or future - regardless of long-running animated television series.

Odd formations in the sky
Exhibit 1. Trying to hide among cumulus clouds and jet aircraft contrails were large oblong- and elliptical-shaped water vapor bodies designed to serve as a kind of large-scale, aerial semaphore used to signal wait times in ski lift lines at various resorts around the region. This is so the spacecraft shuttle services flying in vacationers can ensure their inter-galactic patrons maximal time on the slopes - you don't want to spend 2.3 light years commuting to your destination, only to spend half your weekend looking at the backsides of other skiers in long ski lift lines.

Snow-encrusted pyramid
Exhibit 2. A modest series of pyramids on the east side of U.S. Route 285 are not as notable during the summer as in winter when snow helps accentuate their appearance. The dark brown aggregate skin over the underlying gold-titanium shell that houses the superstructure over 17 story deep cavernous underground city that resembles more a termite colony than a city of condominiums built in a converted old ICBM missile silo. The aggregate gives the appearance of a county roadside site used in summer for highway pavement repairs during periods of better weather than now. Time will tell whether validation of construction methods show whether there is a link to pyramids built centuries ago in the Andes Mountain highlands in South America.

Livestock Circle
Exhibit 3. Reports of aliens mutilating cattle in the region have been greatly exaggerated and the real cause of this cruelty remains unsolved. Science experts know that all aliens are peaceful or otherwise would have already dominated us with their superior intellects and technology. The likelihood of these folks doing harm is as unlikely as finding a true account of cow tipping - aliens also are not cow tippers. But aliens do take delight in using their patented rounding technology to cause bovines to walk aimlessly in circles on fresh fallen snow - forming the extraterrestrial version of snow angels.
A crop circle is a sizable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as wheat, barley, rye, maize, or rapeseed. Crop circles are also referred to as crop formations because they are not always circular in shape. The documented cases have substantially increased from the 1970s to current times. In 1991, two hoaxers claimed authorship of many circles throughout England. Crop Circles. A creative literary description of man-made, of this planet, crop circles can be access by clicking here.
Note: Fictional accounts are given for information about these alien additions to the skies above and lands below the middle Rocky Mountains. Such accounts follow in the tradition of an earlier post describing designs across the Iowa landscape.

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