Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

A few flowers in the backyard have already bloomed, but the tulips and daffodils are still lagging behind. My neighbor has been plugging holes in his house's siding that have served as nests for house finches (a). We had the same problem four years ago when we first lived here, but I covered the entrances back then, and other than a few scratching sounds when the birds have tried to catch a foot hold, there have been no incidences since. The crocus have passed their time in bloom, but these two bulbs (b, c) and the periwinkle (Vinca major) (d) are what were out today. My neighbor pointed out when using an insulation foam to plug holes in the siding, it is important not to scape off the excess cap of foam too soon before the entire load has dried underneath. Otherwise it comes oozing back out like a small magma flow through a lava tube, and then cascades down the side of the house. No problem, just extra work with a paint scraper.

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