Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Needed Help - Odonata Identification

Yesterday on my way out of the house to the car on the way to work - a dragon fly flew in front of me and landed on the front of the house. Out came my snap shot camera - set to macro mode -click - and several more clicks. I had never seen a white-bodied dragon fly before. Last
Common Whitetail Dragon Fly
night I looked on the Web, but couldn't find anything resembling the specimen I captured on digital image. So, today at work, I walked down to Kevin's office. He is an entomologist - a bug person. Actually, he handles honey bee issues - Hymenopter - those are bees, ants, wasps, and the alike (1). Dragon flies are of the insect taxonomic order Odonata - a much more majestic sounding name than Hymenoptera. Well, Kevin didn't have any idea about what kind of dragon fly it could be, but recommended I check with Dan. Dan is a medical entomologist - he is retired from the Army, so this is his second career. It is amazing what some one can do when he or she knows what they are doing. I had barely gotten back to my office, and he had already sent me a Weblink with the answer: a male Common Whitetail, Libellula [Plathemis] lydia - Oh, and that takes care of that for which Odonata.
(1) See the C-SPAN report.

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