Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Serengeti Plains and Annapolis

Cape hunting dogs feeding
We entertained friends last evening - assorted appetizers, more than enough for an entire meal. It struck me how as everyone was gathered around the serving table, it looked like a scene from the Animal Planet cable network where hungry predators are circled around their prey preparing to feed upon its fallen carcass. Our guests were quite civil and orderly - no dominant leader for the pack emerged, there was more than plenty for everyone. Mentioning the metaphor of the appearance of the Serengeti 
Annapolitans feeding
Plains, there was a slight chuckle - our hungry guests not lifting their eyes as they continued to to serve themselves. After filling our plates, we moved to the tables set out on the patio. It was a perfect evening for outside dining - temperature in the low 80°'s and low humidity, tiki torches and citranela candles lit to fend off the bugs.   The wilds of our back yard a perfect suburban veldt setting - cooked carrion and other delicacies neatly arranged on platters, the sounds of the environs in the background, and good company under the stars.

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