Friday, May 4, 2012

A Day's Work

Here is a quick exchange today regarding a day at the office in Kingsville, Texas -- T-45 Goshawks flying in formation.

T-45A Goshawks formation
Ensign: Today was like little league of blue angels (1)

Father: Was it impressive? I assume fun and not scary.

Ensign: A little hairy at times, but pretty cool if I can get the hang of it.

Father: That's great. How close to the other planes?

Ensign: doing the barrel roll its about 30 feet, so not super close

Father: Plenty close for a bunch of Ensigns.

Ensign: My lead was actually the commanding officer, so that was cool

Father: Pretty neat.

Ensign: My lead for my solo was the Xo

Father: You are quite the attention magnet.
(1) Note the absence of punctuation and capital letters as a moniker for the millennial Generation Y Ensign text, while the Baby Boomer Father adheres more closely to the rules of proper composition.


  1. thirty feet???! Maybe Moms don't always need to know the details!

  2. Sounds more exciting than a day at the office for me!
